Wings Trust | Manu Wairua
Encouraging connection to yourself and to others – past and present.

Level 4 (Continuing Care)

Duration: 12 months

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What is the programme?

Wings Trust owns two Level 4 houses in the Auckland CBD which is an optional pathway for Tangata Whai Ora who have completed the Community Reintegration Programme and are ready to start work or study.

Our Level 4 houses simulate a recovery-based flatting situation where Tangata Whai Ora are expected to live independently, pay rent, remain in stable employment or study, and establish their recovery-based routines outside of a treatment setting.

Level 4 peers are extended members of the Wings community who do not attend our weekly program but are still supported by our staff.

What is included?

  • Level 4 offers a gentle step back into the community and gives Tangata Whai Ora the opportunity to learn how to live independently again without substances.
  • Subsidised rent which includes all amenities such as power, WiFi, and water usage.
  • Central CBD locations - close to public transport, universities, and 12-step fellowships.
  • Monthly check-ins with staff to support Tangata Whai Ora in their transition.
  • Optional one-to-one sessions with trained counsellors and practitioners if still required.
  • No curfew or other treatment conditions other than remaining clean and sober and in recovery while working or studying.